全球最大、折扣最大的書展-大野狼國際書展,即將於11/22 – 12/2首次進軍台中!地點在臺中國際展覽館。(台中市烏日區中山路三段1號)
The world’s BIGGEST (and MOST affordable!) book sale is coming to Taichung this 22 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2019 at Taichung International Exhibition Center!
The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is bigger and better than ever, with 90%-50% discounts on over 2 MILLION books across 20,000 high-quality English titles. Find books covering ALL genres including fiction, non-fiction, children’s books and even rare collector’s titles! What’s more, it’s open 24H for 256 hours STRAIGHT, giving you a NON-STOP book-hunting experience like no other!
The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale began in 2009 as a warehouse sale in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia dishing out various genres of books. As part of his plans to take over the world, the Wolf has been to Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Philippines with his collection of low-priced books and is coming to Taipei in very soon!
Whether you’re looking for old favourites or something completely new and exciting, the Wolf is sure to have a book (or TEN!) waiting just for you. So drive, walk, cycle, grab a cab or hop on a train from any part of the island and come book-hunting with the Wolf!