一家三口邮轮出行,2019年男娃豆包,和妈妈肚子里有6个月大的妹妹汤圆。我们乘坐地中海邮轮海逸线号开始了东加勒比之旅,这期主要介绍登船日会干什么和房间的一个概览,之后几集会介绍我们停靠巴哈马多米尼加和波多黎各的上岸旅行和船上的吃喝玩乐。欢迎订阅!Family of 3 (soon to be 4) on a cruise with Eric, 3, and his sister, Penelope, still in her mom’s belly. We embarked on an Eastern Caribbean trip aboard MSC Seascape. This episode will mainly introduce what we will do on embarkation day and an overview of the room. followed by a few episodes of shore excursions and onboard food and drink when we stop in the Bahamas Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Feel free to subscribe!